Advocacy Partnerships
New Vision Charter High Schools strategically helps parents and student navigate the Special Education system during and after high school. In order to provide guidance and access to resources and people that support this goal, our students receive support from school staff and people who are not part of NVCHS. All staff, individuals, and agencies are critical members of our students support team. It is important to be familiar with resources in and out of school that help to support our students through high school and beyond.
We collaborate with the:
NYC Department of Education's Committees on Special Education (CSEs) to provide the following supports:
evaluation and progress monitoring of students with, or in need of, Individualized Education Plans (IEP)
ensuring students with IEPs receive the appropriate programs and services
schedule related services (i.e. speech, OT, PT) with the appropriate agencies across the city
NYS Education Department's Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) office to provide the following support:
post-secondary planning services and financial support
Transition Coordination Center (TCC) to provide the following supports:
secure paid work experiences in the summer for students with disabilities through a special Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) application process
secure paid work experiences during the school year for students with disabilities through the Training Opportunities Program (TOP)
Below you will find a spreadsheet that provides all of the NVCHS contacts for the outside agencies and providers listed above. Having trouble seeing the spreadsheet? Open the spreadsheet here.